Czuker, Edward

President, Legado Companies
Full name (Latin characters)Czuker, Edward
Family/Last name(s)Czuker
Given/First name Edward
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{"id": 161379, "type": "entities", "links": {"self": ""}, "attributes": {"id": 161379, "name": "Edward Czuker", "blurb": "President, Legado Companies", "types": ["Person", "Business Person"], "aliases": ["Edward Czuker"], "summary": "Edward joined the family business in 1980, after serving as a commercial real estate lender at a major California Bank. He is immensely proud of his father’s personal and professional legacies, and carries forward a commitment to community-building that is matched only by his devotion to public service.\r\n\r\nBy appointment of two different governors of California, Edward was a board-member of the California Housing Finance Agency for over 12 years. By appointment of the State Treasurer, Edward served on the California Housing Advisory Committee, which establishes policy and procedures for the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee and the California Bond Debt Limit Allocation Committee. He also chaired the Affordable Housing Committee for the State and is a past-president of the Multi-Family Housing Council of the Greater Los Angeles Building Industry Association.\r\n\r\nEdward has decades of construction experience as a licensed general contractor, project manager, real estate broker, and property manager with a MBA in Finance, growing up in the real estate business. His Marina Del Rey project alone contained 1.1 million sq. ft. of improvements.", "website": null, "end_date": null, "parent_id": null, "extensions": {"Person": {"party_id": null, "gender_id": 2, "name_last": "Czuker", "name_nick": null, "net_worth": null, "birthplace": null, "name_first": "Edward", "name_maiden": null, "name_middle": null, "name_prefix": null, "name_suffix": null, "nationality": [], "is_independent": null}, "BusinessPerson": {"sec_cik": null}}, "start_date": null, "updated_at": "2019-10-27T17:58:20Z", "primary_ext": "Person"}}

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linkEdward Czuker gave money to Trump Victory Campaign Contribution2016-10-282016-10-28150000usd
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