
Media ID171
Start Time2021-01-06 17:18:02
Duration (seconds)151
LocationMoreschi Building, I Street Northwest, Golden Triangle, Washington, District of Columbia, 20006, United States
SourceParler (jan6attack.com/videos.htm)
User IDTTylerTexas
CaptionSo last night we went to go find some dinner but we ended up recording a fight. The city mayor in DC redirected all trump supporters to walk past BLM stationed areas protected by police and all day they have been antagonizing. But this guy made a mistake and started arguing with them...then BLM hit first and it broke out...BLM started fighting dirty. I gave the video to the guys that got knocked out and hit with a brick...the cops are talking with them and it sounds like they will press charges. Not sure if they fully did. PS: we never made it to dinner city was shut down on curfew. Follow me, vote ????, and echo ?? if you agree!#trump2020 #electionfraud #transparency2020 #mailinballots #verifythesignatures #uprootthefraud #freedom #election2020 #releasethekraken #electionresults2020 #fightforfreedom #election#stopthesteal #electioninterference #endthedemocratcommunistparty #covid-19 #nobiden #USA #democratsaredestroyingamerica#voterfraud #trump2020landslide #presidenttrump
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Archive URLhttps://jan6attack.com/videos/i/i7PnrbCEXg6R/i7PnrbCEXg6R.mp4
Size (bytes)635541914
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