JurisdictionUS DOJ
External Case ID1:23-mj-201
Subject Cook, Steven
Subject Age
Incident January 6th 2021 Putsch at the United States Capitol
Incident Date2021-01-06
Incident LocationWashington DC
Case StatusArrested
Arrest Date2023-09-16
NotesExtremely violent on W. Plaza, involved in breaking police lines. Fought at tunnel, climbed through window. After the breach of the window conveys information using body language that can be interpreted as a threat of escalation (guns) would be used against them if they attempted to enter further into the building. Seen also in the company of III% including #BlackGlove805 and many other associates. At one point he is seen assisting #WindowWatcher. Observed in the tunnel during the very beginning of P1. One of the first to enter. Stays very active throughout P1-P2. Appears to disappear with a lot of others at the end of P2, post his final report simulating firing a long gun by security forces if they breach the doors in the office. At one point he is seen apparently on the look out for #WindowWatcher after she flees the tunnel post P1, locates her, briefly carries her and than provides first aid with H2O.
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