Media ID83689
Start Time2021-01-06 10:00:00
Duration (seconds)211
DescriptionJournalist Sandi Bachom follows the Proud Boys from the Washington Monument to the US Capitol
User IDSandi Bachom
Title Proud Boys Arrive At Washington Monument Elipse at 10am January 6
Caption*JOURNALISM PURPOSES ONLY* To License: @sandibachom.com At 10am I filmed the Proud Boys gather at the Washington Monument, I followed them as they marched toward the Capitol at 10:45 then I went back to hear Trump's speech. He was an hour late.
Camera Model
Archive URLhttps://jan6archive.com/vimeo/566375739.mp4
Size (bytes)

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File Photo Hashtag Name Appears at Description
#ImpeachThisPBDavis, George Jeffery
#BruhPBVilla, Eliseo
#SwimGogglesPBBru, Marc Anthony
#IdahoPBDeRijk, Menno Sr.
#WeeIrishPBJames, Jason
#FlandersPBSmith, Gregory Hamilton
#TrackSuitPBKnowles, James Ehren
#SkunkApePBGarrett, Troy Vincent
#TheSuitPBFinley, Jeff
#GoldilocksPBViss, Justin Cayde
#AZBadgePBMarinello, Charles
#SmilesPBWeston, Tucker Andrew
#KidRedPBMay, Jason D.
#USAPBBarcenas, Christopher George
#SumoPBFonticoba, Gilbert
#GraymoPBSaenz, Michael
#MunchkinPBHague, Robert
#StuporHeroPBBoele, Brian
#PrettyBoyPBRice, Bradley
#BiohazardPBDeRijk, Hayes
#ZZTopPBHaffner, James
#NinjaRaphPBGiddings, Isaiah
#PapaSmurfPBGrace, Jeffrey
#YellowSwimGogglesAshlock, Ryan
#ViperLadyPBMartin, Shawna
#ScarFaceHoodieJones, Michael Alan
#MaroonPBLoehrke, Ronald
#DiagonalCamoPBSchmitz, Matthew
#ColonPBColon, Louis Enrique
#FashionistaPBMcGrew, Joshua
#OkiePBHobbs, Brett
#TapeRollsPBKuehne, Christopher Charles
#ScrappyPBWhorton, Bartholomew Richard
#OrangeSkiMaskNorthcross, Michael John
#SecretSquirrelHoel, James Allan
#FannyPackPBVournas, Tom Henry
#SgtPepperSprayerWorrell, Christopher John
#FirstFamilyPBReed, Jeffrey David
#TartanPlaidPBJackson, Micajah Joel
#RWDSstoogeKennedy, Nicholas L.
#RayBanTerroristFischer, Alan J III
#TanParkaPBMiles, Steven
#GogglesManJohnson, Zachary David
#PavarottiPBBrett, James IV
#TeenWolfPBBates, David Mitchell
#FashProShopJackman, Arthur
#KamikazePBVy, Freedom
#1776HatPBRae, Paul
#AZStretchPBGoralski, Mark Thomas
#EtsPBLeBrun, Matthew
#BadMarinePBRajewski, Dion
#AZKarenPBGoralski, Adrianna Maria
#OrangeLensesPBLobianco, Leonard
#YellowScarfPBAlonso, Fernando
#FleshTunnelsPBSantos, Marcos James
#GrayUAPBGrace, Jeremy
#SuperplaidPBBelena, Christian F.
#TheHighRiseSpecialistMolander, Richard
#ButterfingerPBValentino, Alesandro Arthur
#FashyFreddyMercuryPepe, Will
#DallasPBDavis, Dallas
#PorkpiePBRonayne, Michael
#SpazzoPezzola, Dominic
#PicklesPBPiccirillo, Robert
#JoeBiggsBiggs, Joseph Randall
#MissingToothMarineShiveley, Barton Wade
#EddieBlockBlock, Eddie
#RufioNordean, Ethan Michael
#ViperPBBirdsong, Michael
#YutYutPBDonohoe, Charles
#RevPBHarris, Adam
#ZachRehlPBRehl, Zachary
#RemyPBDelatorre, Edgar J.
#MichaelPorterPBPorter, Mike Wayward
#MilkshakePBScott, Daniel Lyons
#JamieYoderPBYoder, Jamie EugeneWalking alongside #BigPunisherPB
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