
Media ID79361
Start Time
Duration (seconds)592
User IDBuggs Media Network
Title Washington D.C. Riots: Footage Of The Initial Brea
CaptionWashington D.C. Riots: Footage Of The Initial Breach Attack On The West Side Of The US Capitol,On January 6, 2021 the supporters of President Donald Trump attacked the US Capitol Building, The video depicts the initial breach on the west side of the Capitol building, this footage is for educational purposes and to document a historical event, the US Capitol has not been attacked since the War of 1812, in 1814 when British and Canadian forces burnt most of Washington including parts of the US Capitol Building. Chants of 'USA USA USA USA' can be heard as American Citizens decide to take over the building that houses the US Senate, and the House of Representatives. Police are well outnumbered and do their best to keep the situation as controlled as possible. Notice the lack of masks of the Trump supporters or Domestic Terrorists or Patriots, take your pick. This footage shows the power President Trump holds over his supporters, as he had told them to go to the US Capitol. He also stated he would walk down Pennsylvania Avenue with them, but this was a lie. 200 years ago British General Ross sat at the President's table and toasted the King. The Jan 6, 2021 riots and attack on the US Capitol gives us images of a man sitting at Democrat Nancy Pelosi's desk, and others stealing objects from one of the more recognisable buildings in the world let alone America. Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdXL30uDQz_-vzwIILgRAJg Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Alejandro.Marentes/ Welcome to the Buggs YouTube channel. I post raw, close, & personal photographic & film footage of critical & historical current events, including riots, protests, marches, & any other news worthy content. I also share less intense footage: scouting locations for photoshoots, & exploring & documenting interesting areas such as ghost towns. Events covered in detail include the 2021 Washington D.C.riots, & the July 2020 Portland riots. I am a freelance professional photographer & videographer
Camera Model
Archive URLhttps://jan6archive.com/youtube/7iJhSz-crII.mp4
Size (bytes)

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#GingerGnomeDombrowski, Jason
#TheSuitPBFinley, Jeff
#TreasonIsAHootLegros, Christina
#WrigleyFieldGuySchubert, John Anthony III
#LittleManSprayerCamden, David Michael
#MilkshakePBScott, Daniel Lyons
#ChudChadPBRamey, Barry Bennett
#SgtPepperSprayerWorrell, Christopher John
#FashProShopJackman, Arthur
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