
Media ID52
Start Time2021-01-06 12:59:01
Duration (seconds)227
LocationCapitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps, Washington, District of Columbia, United States
DescriptionBiggs shown on Parler video carrying an Arizona flag along with the orange-hatted Proud Boys. Video is shot from the south end of the police line and continues for 3 1/2 minutes, showing Pezzola, Nordean, Shively, Gieswin, Chrestman, Rehl, and at least 15 others from the march in close proximity. Footage seemed likely to have come from the phone of the man in the orange ski mask shown right behind #RWDSstooge in the other Parler video which begins at 13:05 , but was in fact uploaded by another Proud Boy
SourceParler (ProPublica)
User IDMichaelsaenz0524 (Saenz, Michael)
CaptionBefore the shooting started this is our land or country can't give it to these snakes. The lord has given us the strength to crush the head of the snake.
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Size (bytes)232469300

Who appears in this item

File Photo Hashtag Name Appears at Description
#JoeBiggsBiggs, Joseph Randall
#SpazzoPezzola, Dominic
#WildDogGieswein, Robert Dean Carr
#GasMaskTwinSkullBray, Ethan Aaron
#RufioNordean, Ethan Michael
#MissingToothMarineShiveley, Barton Wade
#AxeholeChrestman, William Norman
#ZachRehlPBRehl, Zachary
#FlandersPBSmith, Gregory Hamilton
#GraymoPBSaenz, MichaelAuthor
#BlackSkiMaskOrta, Paul Jr.
#BlueGooniesGuyMartin, Marcus Clint
#FacepaintBlowhardLazar, Samuel
#FesterPBGreene, Matthew
#RayBanTerroristFischer, Alan J III
#SwimGogglesPBBru, Marc Anthony
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